Welcome, Friend!
I so blessed that you stopped by for a visit! Make yourself at home.
My goal is to share some "Words of Wisdom"with you and I hope you will share with me by leaving a comment.
Blessings to you from Grammy!

Friday, July 24, 2009



I stay in touch with many of my friends that way.

One of my FACEBOOK friends posted this recently

so I thought I would pass it along here:

FACEBOOK has agreed to let a third party advertisers use your posted pictures WITHOUT your permission. Click on SETTINGS up at the top where you see the Log out link. Select Privacy. Then select NEWSFEEDS and WALL. Next select the tab that reads FACEBOOK ADS. There is a drop down box, select NO ONE. Then SAVE your changes. (REPOST to let your friends know!)


Wednesday, July 22, 2009


I know we have all lost people in our lives that were near and dear to us. Each of us feels that our loss is the greatest. I hope that by sharing my loss, someone else will be comforted in theirs.

Today I would like to tell you about my friend.

In his short 56 years on this earth, he stuffed about 200 years of living. Some people just go through life "getting through life". Not my friend. He lived every day to it's fullest-- and then some-- leaving behind wonderful memories for his family and friends to ease their pain and sorrow.

He found the true meaning to life---"DON'T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF" Life is too short to worry about all those things that don't matter. We all worry too much-- about really SMALL STUFF. A good motto about worry is: IF IT DOESN'T AFFECT ETERNITY, IT DOESN'T REALLY MATTER!

I'm not saying that my friend wasn't concerned about important things. He took his responsibilities very seriously. His love for God, his family, his friends, his church, his job (pretty much in that order) always showed. He just never allowed the seriousness of a situation to take the joy out of his life.

His death was sudden and unexpected and so all of us who knew and loved him feel robbed. We feel robbed of his smile, his jokes, his loving and caring ways, his music (the music he played and sang---but more than that, the music of his heart), and mostly, his awesome love of God, that always showed.

So in honor and memory of my friend, I'm going to try to----

Love on my family (even when I'm not in the mood),

Hug a friend (and maybe someone I don't know very well),

Do something for someone (even if I don't have the time),

Smile (just for no reason)

Sing a song (maybe a really silly song),

Tell someone a joke (maybe a really corny joke),

Tell someone about Jesus and show His love in all I do.

I am sad that I lost my Friend,

But, my sadness is for me, not Him,

He is home now, he is Free!

Yes, my sadness is just for me.

I will miss you dear friend---but, I'll see you soon!


To read more about my friend (his name is Kenny), you can visit my niece's blog http://kellis-world.blogspot.com She has some wonderful things to say also.